
Reaction card games

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Difference Card game

Based on the popular "spot the differences" challenges found in books, newspapers, and elsewhere, Difference challenges your abilities to observe and react quickly. The deck includes two sets of double-sided cards, with one set being more challenging than the other. Place one card in the center of the table, then deal the rest out to players as evenly as possible. 

To start, each player looks at the top card of her stack, then tries to spot the two differences between her card in hand and the reference card on the table. Whoever spots her particular differences first stops play, demonstrates them to everyone, places her card on top of the reference card (creating a new challenge for everyone), then draws the next card from her deck. Whoever gets rid of all of her cards first wins!

€9.99 Price

Ligretto Kids Card game

A smart adaptation of classic Ligretto for younger players need. 

Attention: not suitable for children under 3 years old!

€9.99 Price

SWAT! Card game

SWAT! - party card game about capturing cards. A dealer turns over cards one-by-one until someone decides he wants the exposed cards and hits the colorful "SWAT!" board. That player then becomes the dealer and the same process continues until all players have "swatted" three times or the deck runs out. Your challenge is to remember what you have already swatted and decide how far you can push your luck before another player swats the stack. The artwork is fun, imaginative, and might get a little bit under your skin!

Video review: YOUTUBE

€9.49 Price