
Development card games

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7 wonders Card game revised...

7 Wonders is a card development game. Some cards have immediate effects, while others provide bonuses or upgrades later in the game. Some cards provide discounts on future purchases. Some provide military strength to overpower your neighbors and others give nothing but victory points. Each card is played immediately after being drafted, so you'll know which cards your neighbor is receiving and how his choices might affect what you've already built up. Cards are passed left-right-left over the three ages, so you need to keep an eye on the neighbors in both directions.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€39.99 Price

Gloom 2nd ed. Card game

Gloom - weird gothic card game about one strange family members and pain. In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the game is sad, but simple: you want your characters to suffer the greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the well-deserved respite of death. You'll play horrible mishaps like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midgets on your own characters to lower their Self-Worth scores, while trying to cheer your opponents' characters with marriages and other happy occasions that pile on positive points. The player with the lowest total Family Value wins.(Source -

Video review: YOUTUBE

€31.99 Price

Splendor Card game

Splendor is a game of chip-collecting and card development. Players are merchants of the Renaissance trying to buy gem mines, means of transportation, shops—all in order to acquire the most prestige points. All of the cards you buy increase your wealth as they give you a permanent gem bonus for later buys; some of the cards also give you prestige points. In order to win the game, you must reach 15 prestige points before your opponents do.(Source -

€31.45 Price

7 wonders Duel Card game

7 Wonders Duel resembles its parent game 7 Wonders as over three ages players acquire cards that provide resources or advance their military or scientific development in order to develop a civilization and complete wonders. (Source: Boardgamegeek)

Video review: Youtube

€24.99 Price
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Shadows over Empire Card game Artipia Games - 2 Shadows over Empire Card game Artipia Games - 1

Shadows over Empire Card game

In Shadows over the Empire, players take the role of leaders of four factions in a struggle for control of Cardis. They must influence various personalities and have them do their bidding. Loyalties are constantly changing and great allies become mortal enemies in a city filled with desire for dominion. Who will prevail? (Source -

Video review: YOUTUBE

€16.99 Price

Welcome to the Dungeon card...

Welcome to the Dungeon is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which Players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2 rounds. Each round, the start player (the person who challenged the dungeon last or the last player to be in a dungeon) can choose to draw a card from the monster deck or pass their turn. Once only one person is left after all the other players have passed their turn, that player then becomes the challenger and must go into the dungeon with only the equipment he has equipped. The player then flips cards off the dungeon deck and fights the monsters within. If the player survives the dungeon with at least 1 HP, they win that round. If not, they lose. The players then reshuffle cards to make a new monster deck and re-equips the equipment to start a new round.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€15.49 Price