
Party board games

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Dungeon Lords Board game

In Dungeon Lords, you are an evil dungeonlord who is trying to build the best dungeon out there. You hire monsters, build rooms, buy traps and defeat the do-gooders who wish to bring you down. Actions vary from mining gold, hiring monsters, buying traps are 4 turns to place actions for each game "year" and two game years in a whole game. Each turn is identified as a "season". At the end of each season heroes will be allocated to each player according to their level of evil. Heroes range from mighty heroes to sneaky thieves. Finally, at the end of each year, the heroes will travel down into the dungeon to fight. Scoring in the game is based upon what you have built, the monsters you have hired and the heroes you have captured.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€39.99 Price

Akrotiri board game

Akrotiri places you in the role of an explorer in Classical Greek times, combing the then-uncharted Aegean sea for lost Minoan temples. You've not only heard of these temples hidden around the island of Thera, but you actually have access to the secret maps that tell you of their hidden locations. But running an expedition can be costly. In order to fund your voyages into the unknown and excavate the ancient temples, you will have to first ship resources found on surrounding islands back to the resource-poor island of Thera. In Akrotiri — which combines tile placement, hand management, and pick-up and delivery — players place land tiles in order to make the board match the maps that they have in hand. Players excavate temples; the ones that are harder to find and the ones further away from Thera are worth more towards victory, but the secret goal cards keep everyone guessing who the victor is until the end! May the gods forever bless you with favorable winds!

Video review: YOUTUBE

€39.99 Price

Mysterium Board game

In Mysterium, a reworking of the game system present in Tajemnicze Domostwo, one player takes the role of ghost while everyone else represents a medium. To solve the crime, the ghost must first recall (with the aid of the mediums) all of the suspects present on the night of the murder. A number of suspect, location and murder weapon cards are placed on the table, and the ghost randomly assigns one of each of these in secret to a medium.

Video review:    

€39.99 Price

Dominion: Intrigue 2nd. Ed....

Dominion: Intrigue (Second Edition), an expansion for Dominion or Dominion (Second Edition), contains 26 Kingdom card types that can be used with the base game. It no longer has Basic cards and thus is no longer a stand-alone expansion; to expand to 5-6 players, use Base Cards. Dominion: Intrigue (Second Edition) replaces six Kingdom card types from the first edition with six new types of Kingdom cards, while also replacing the blank cards in that item with a seventh new Kingdom card; these new cards are also available on their own in the Dominion: Intrigue Update Pack. In addition, the rulebook has been rewritten, one card has had a mild functional change (Masquerade skips players with no cards in hand) 

Video review: YOUTUBE

€38.99 Price

Dominion: Adventures Board...

Dominion: Adventures, another addition to the game of Dominion, contains 400 cards, 60 tokens and six mats. This expansion has 30 new Kingdom cards, including the return of Duration cards that do things on future turns, plus Reserve cards that can be saved for the right moment. There are also 20 Event cards that give you something to buy besides cards, including tokens that modify cards.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€38.99 Price

Big Book of Madness Board game

The Big Book of Madness is a challenging co-operative game in which the players are magic students who must act as a team to turn all the pages of the book, then shut it by defeating the terrible monsters they've just freed. Each player has their own element deck that they build during the game and use for several purposes, such as learning or casting a spell, adding a new element to their deck, destroy or healing a curse. Spells allow you to support your playmates, improve your deck, draw cards, etc. — but the monsters from the book fight back. Each comes with terrible curses that are triggered every turn unless you dispel them in time. They will make you discard elements, add madness cards to your deck, or lose spells...

If you manage to turn six pages and defeat all of the monsters, you win the game!

Video review: YOUTUBE

€36.99 Price

King of New York Board game

King of New York keeps the core ideas of King of Tokyo while introducing new ways to play:your goal is to be the first monster to collect 20 victory points (VPs) or to be the last monster standing. What's new in King of New York is that you can now try to become a star in the big city - you can achieve "Fame", which nets you VPs, but superstar status is fleeting, so enjoy your time in the spotlight. The game board for King of New York is larger than in KoT. When you attack, you can displace a monster in another district, whether to escape military forces or to find new smashing opportunities. The monsters from King of New York can be used in KoT and vice versa, but the power cards are specific to this game.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€32.99 Price

Junk Orbit Board game

This 2018 game description will be placed soon.

But You can watch its video review on Miami Dice: YOUTUBE

€29.99 Price

Roskis Board game

Players in Roskis need to toss trash into the garbage bin, but unfortunately they're all a bit lazy and instead of emptying the bin when it's full, they're content to pile everything as high as possible in the hope that someone else will knock it over and have to clean up the mess.  Before the game begins, each player takes a set of cards numbered 1–10, and the forty pieces of "trash"—milk cartons, tin cans, bottles, and apple cores—are placed next to the garbage can. Each round, players secretly choose one of the three cards in their hand, then reveal them simultaneously. In order from low number to high, each player places a number of pieces of trash equal to the number she revealed into—or onto—the garbage bin...

Video review:

€27.99 Price
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Change Horses Board game Rio Grande Games - 2 Change Horses Board game Rio Grande Games - 1

Change Horses Board game

Change Horses is a race game with a twist. Players secretly get a horse (of a particular color) assigned before the game starts. The player with the horse in last place at the end of the game wins. On your turn - sequence of play is decided by auction - you play a card that controls two different colored horseS. When every player has put down cards, the horses move; but only horses with an odd number of cards on the table! If the number of open cards is even, the horse does not move. But, true to the spirit of horse racing, each player has a chance to play a "dirty trick", including Change Horses. This can affect the game dramatically. 

Video review: YOUTUBE

€27.99 Price

Brick Party Board game

Brick Party is a funny and frenzied game of crazy building! Reveal the special rule for the round, choose your teammate, and get ready. Then grab the blocks and build the shape you choose faster than the others! And in the next round? A new special rule, new partners, and new shapes...for a game that's never boring! Brick Party contains 36 plastic construction bricks and 165 cards with shapes that must be built by the players.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€26.99 Price

Dixit Board game

One player is the storyteller for the turn and looks at the images on the 6 cards in her hand. From one of these, she makes up a sentence and says it out loud (without showing the card to the other players). Each other player selects the card in their hands that best matches the sentence and gives the selected card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others. The storyteller shuffles her card with all the received cards. All pictures are shown face up and every player has to bet upon which picture was the storyteller's. If nobody or everybody finds the correct card, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. Otherwise the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer score 3. Players score 1 point for every vote for their own card. The game ends when the deck is empty or if a player scores 30 points. In either case, the player with the most points wins the game.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€25.99 Price

My Happy Farm Board game

All players have their own farm with four nice animals. They feed those cuties. Animals that are fed well fill their stomachs with tasty food, grow and become longer and longer, even reaching unnatural lengths. The longer your animal, the better a farmer you are. The owner of the longest animal receives bonus points. Animals that aren't fed even one time lose their weight, take offense, and leave their bad master. Moreover, they will take some victory points from the bad master to punish him, so players have to be good and careful farmers and feed their animals well to create Their Own Happy Farm.

Video review: YOUTUBE

€22.99 Price